Of Possible Interest — Especially after I fix ma time machine

For you Jane Ausen fans out there — you know who you are:
Opinion: A Jane Austen museum addressing Regency-era slavery? How sensible.

A general view of the former home of the celebrated late British author Jane Austen. (Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
Opinion by Vanessa Riley

Missed ’em again:
Capital Weather Gang
Aurora sighted in northern U.S. as powerful geomagnetic storm continues
There’s an outside chance the northern lights could appear once again Wednesday night
‘A surprise storm rocking Earth’s magnetic field brought a rare display of the northern lights to parts of the northern United States early Wednesday, sending skywatchers staring upward at pastel hues. There’s a chance that observers could be treated once again Wednesday night as the display potentially continues courtesy of energetic particles striking the planet’s upper atmosphere.

The northern lights were sighted in Alaska and Minnesota, as well as across Canada and into parts of Europe and the United Kingdom. Their southern counterparts also made an appearance in New Zealand.’

By Matthew Cappucci