It Я Time

Ma current computer is getting long of tooth, what’s worse, it’s generating a constant string of CLOCK WATCHDOG TIMEOUT errors and crashing. I guess I could try patching the boiler, or adding a few more hamster cages, but even I can read the writing on the wall when it’s written in glowing iridescent ink.

Of course, I keep looking for the best new update, spending hours on YouTube and review sites, and I haz discovered that technology haz moved on. I have a slew of hard drives and three 5.25 bays. Cases are not like that anymore. My case will take one tiny squarish radiator, and is that enough for a new CPU? I’m currently in the Intel camp and am thinking of deserting to the Team Red camp. And in a time o’ plague! Life is just so confusing! Then ma store that I can skip the sales tax closes for Passover! And they do not have my picked-out MB in stock anyway! Besides, who needs a new computer in times o’ plague?

Just like Scrooge McDuck, I hates spending money, but unlike Scrooge McDuck, I haz no money bin I can swim in.