So, Gaylaxicon 2019 Was Last Weekend

“I’m fine! I’m fine!” I called out after doing a backflip off the stairs. “Get the vacuum cleaner.” I lay on the rug at the bottom of the stairs with shards of glass from the orange juice glass lying around me and the yogurt and muesli decorating the wall with the occasional blueberry scattered over the rug for color.

I went down to the basement and came back with the Baby^TM wet dry vac to clean up the blueberries. I still don’t remember what happened exactly. Suddenly gravity was wrong and I was going backwards. With orange juice in one hand and muesli in the other, there was no obvious save, and save I did not.

Well, at least I thought I was fine until after I withdrew $100 from the ATM at Lunds and forgot to pick up the money. I had planned on attending two pre-con events, one a panel at the U of M with Peg Kerr and Gregory Maguire, and a reading at Dreamhaven with Gregory Maguire. Instead, I just laid low. I did go back and get $60 and remember to put the money in my pocket.