The Hugo Awards

The baby dogs haz hijacked the Hugo Awards this year and plunged all Fhandom into a war — again. When you leave a door open all the time, you really can’t kvetch when somebody walks through it.

Kinda sorta like the Oscars, the Hugo Awards don’t always hold their luster. It’s probably not the end o’ the whirled, and it’s sure worth a lot from the publicity angle. I’m guessing the WhirledCon supporting membership counter is twirling, twirling towards freedom. All I got to say, it ain’t my fault! I wasn’t eligible to vote; I ain’t read nothing; and I’m too cheap to buy a supporting membership. Besides, it oughta speed up the Hugo Awards ceremony a lot if it’s all Noah Ward getting up on stage and delivering the acceptance speech.

Ittsa award, dammit, not the end o’ the whirled.