NYT Critic’s Pick Movie(s)

‘Crossing’ Review: Stories to Tell
NYT Critic’s Pick | Not Rated | Drama | Directed by Levan Akin
In Levan Akin’s fascinating drama, two strangers connect in Istanbul.

In “Crossing,” Achi (Lucas Kankava) and Lia (Mzia Arabuli), right, are two strangers heading to Istanbul to search for Lia’s niece.

‘Great Absence’ Review: A Mystery of Disappearance
NYT Critic’s Pick | Not Rated | Drama | Directed by Kei Chika-ura
A skillfully directed Japanese mystery dips into the strangeness of dementia for those who stand by and watch.

Mirai Moriyama in “Great Absence.”

— Of Possible Interest —

Zoë Jackson at the Star Tribune reports Minneapolis is out of the running as a host for the Sundance Film Festival.

This will probably be the last time I shamelessly steal the New York Times movie reviews — I have cancelled my subscription to that newspaper.